We will be premiering MEN'S FITNESS MODEL, a BRAND NEW division, at the 2021 NPF Sandows! This new division consists of two rounds of scoring
Round One:
STAGE ATTIRE: Competitor will wear square cut men's swimwear. Plain or original brand logos (Hurley, Under Armour, Nike, etc. are examples) are accepted. No custom logos or writing permitted anywhere on the swimwear.
Prejudging comparisons will include the following mandatory poses for all Men's Fitness Models:
- Quarter Turns
- Abdominals
- Favorite Model Pose
- 45 seconds posedown of fitness model poses will be scored. Judges will be looking for marketability and quality of poses as they apply to a men's fitness model environment.
Round Two:
STAGE ATTIRE: Competitor will wear men's formal wear that should consist of a 3 or 4 piece suit or tuxedo.
Prejudging comparisons will include the following mandatory poses for all Men's Fitness Models:
- Quarter Turns
- Favorite Model Pose
- 45 seconds posedown of fitness model poses will be scored. Judges will be looking for marketability and quality of poses as they apply to a men's fitness model environment. NOTE: These are not "flexing" poses. Think more along the lines of formal cover model photoshoot style poses. Your physique is being judged on how well your suit/tux sets on you, not whether or not we can see biceps, pecs and abs through a suit.
Both of these rounds will be performed at Finals for Sandows. Other divisions in the show will take place between the two rounds so as to allow ample time change attire. For 2022 the two rounds will be separated with round one at prejudging and round two at finals. The scoring of both rounds will be combined to determine final placings.

In consideration to amateurs who compete for pro cards and cash awards in the NPF, we will NOT be accepting NEWLY awarded pro’s who earned their pro status AFTER July 31, 2021 from organizations where FULL PANEL TESTING is not being performed. FULL PANEL TESTING, also referred to as 3 PANEL TESTING means that your organization or promoter is testing for:
- Anabolic Steroids
- Stimulants
- Diuretics/Masking Agents
Why is FULL/3 PANEL TESTING so important, you ask? If an organization only runs a basic steroids panel, opting to bypass the diuretics and masking agents panel, you could very likely be standing on stage and competing for a pro card with an individual(s) who intentionally took a masking agent designed to block the detection of an anabolic steroid that they are also taking. It is and always has been the responsibility of the organization you are competing with to protect you against such dishonesty. We take this responsibility very seriously in the NPF!
HAVING SAID THIS, if you compete and win a pro card AFTER 7/28/2021 with an organization or show where full panel testing is not being conducted, you would be eligible to compete in the NPF, but you would be required to register as an amateur. You could still compete to earn a pro card with the NPF, we would simply not be able to accept your aforementioned pro status.
FURTHERMORE, in order for the NPF to accept a pro status awarded by another organization after 7/28/2021, that organization must be providing EVIDENCE that full 3 panel testing is being conducted. Evidence can be in the form of a distributed lab report, access to a lab report, or some other acceptable means of visual evidence or receipt that clearly demonstrates that lab work was performed on their athlete’s specimen samples). Unacceptable forms of evidence would include, but not limited to, emails, texts, DM’s, etc. that simply states, “you passed” or social media posts that address, “all athletes have passed.” This does not mean that you personally need to have been tested. It simply means that the organization and show you were competing with when you won your pro card must be providing evidence that full 3 panel testing was being conducted at that show.
EFFECTIVE 1/1/2022:
The NPF will no longer be recognizing the pro status of athletes who have never competed pro with NPF, and are pro with ONLY withorganizations, regardless of when they earned their pro status, that doesn’t regularly conduct evidence-based, full 3 panel testing.
If you have already competed as a pro in the NPF at any time in the past, or prior to 1/1/2022 we will continue to accept and honor your pro status with the NPF, no further questions asked. So, yes, if you have not yet competed with us and you hold a pro card with an organization that is not performing full 3 panel testing, you ARE STILL ELIGIBLE to register as a pro for the November 20, 2021 NPF Sandows. We would then continue to accept and honor your pro status in the NPF beyond 2021 and moving forward. Why are we making this exception? Because we understand that many pro’s from other organizations are currently prepping and/or are already registered in pro divisions for Sandows.
How do you know if your organization is compliant with FULL 3 PANEL TESTING? Ask them!
Kind Regards,
Bob Baldwin,
President, Natural Physique Federation
The Natural Physique Federation, has continued to experience growth in an industry that as a whole has experienced a steady decline in membership and contest entries for the 6th straight year - now surpassing 50% of what it was in 2014 (2 years prior to the formation of the NPF).
Here are some highlights of accomplishment for the NPF from 2020:
• A growth in Average Entries per Event (AEE) of 33% over 2019 - a 4th consecutive year of growth
• A growth in PRO entries by matching our 2019 total with the 2020 NPF Sandows as our ONLY PRO CONTEST OF THE YEAR - a 4th consecutive year of growth
• NPF Sandows - our year end championships - was blessed with a growth of 100% as we doubled our entries compared to 2019.
Setting aggressive yet attainable Key Performance Measures each year has been paramount to our continued success. We couldn't do it without the athletes, spectators, coaches, and behind the scenes supporters.
Jamie and I, on behalf of our incredibly hard working staff look forward to serving you again in 2021!
Bob Baldwin,
NPF President and Director of Events
Our no strings attached guaranteed payouts will once again apply to every open pro category in every pro show for 2021
FIRST PLACE - 2000.00
SECOND PLACE - 1200.00
THIRD PLACE - 800.00
Any athletes who finish in the top 3 of an amateur open class at NPF sanctioned PRO/AM contests will be immediately qualified to enter the equivalent pro class, therefore competing for a payout at that same contest.
• Said amateur athletes would be required to pay to enter the pro class at the given pro entry fee - but would NOT be required to purchase any additional memberships.
• First place finisher in an open amateur class is still eligible to earn an NPF PRO card.
• Furthermore, a third, or second place finisher, or a first place finisher who isn’t awarded a pro card (due to class size not meeting minimum requirements AND not awarded on judges merit), at designated qualifier(s), is eligible to pre-register to compete in both amateur and pro classes at the NPF PRO/AM with which that contest served as qualifier. An athlete may choose to do this as they may still be seeking to win a pro card, but also want to exercise their right to compete for cash. Once the pro card is earned, that athlete is then only eligible to compete in pro classes, and is no longer eligible to compete in amateur classes.
• This new NPF policy has no effect on our current PRO athletes. As we have since our inception, the NPF continues its policy of "once a pro always a pro." Therefore, there is no need to requalify for pro status, even after a long term layoff.
If you were not in attendance at the 2019 NPF Sandows you missed a sneak peak at the details of the TWO NEW divisions that are being added to 2020 NPF shows. If you missed it, weep not! Here they are:
NEW 2020 Divisions: Men's Power Body, Women's Power Body, and Fitness Model.
The Power Body classes, for both men and women, will encompass a lifting for total reps segment for the Prejudging portion of the show, then a physique round with comparisons and compulsory posing at Finals that will be judged live. Each athlete's scores from the lifting round will be combined with their respective points from the physique round to determine placings at Finals. The purpose of this division is to find the athletes who not only possesses a look of being fit, but also can demonstrate it...power and body!
The Fitness Model class, which was demonstrated at both Prejudging and Finals of the Sandows show, is a new division for the ladies only and features the competitor being judged at Prejudging while wearing basic workout attire, doing quarter turns and compulsories, then returning to the stage for Finals in an evening fashion dress to be onced again judged live. Scores will be combined from Prejudging and Finals to determine placings. The purpose of this division is to find and recognize the ladies who are best suited to be fitness models in our industry.
More in-depth information for these two new divisions will be forthcoming...
Effective immediately, the NPF is giving back to our supporting prep coaches/trainers/gyms even BIGGER THAN BEFORE!
When you, as a coach, bring 5 registered athletes or more to ANY NPF event you will have just earned a FULL one year "Coaches Membership" to the NPF. This will get you the same benefits (without paying a single penny!) as our current VIP ALL ACCESS pass. Except, for not just the current show, but for a FULL YEAR!!!! This means...
• Attend any and all future NPF contests (up to one year from date that you received your coaches membership) with FREE admission to prejudging AND Finals - even if you come to the event alone just to watch or hangout with us!
• Receive a complimentary official contest tee shirt at any OR ALL of those contests that you attend.
• Access to all competitor check-ins
• Access to all competitor/athletes meetings!
As I have stated before, as a long-time prep coach myself I have an immense amount of understanding and respect for what you do. It's time to extend more than a passing nod or mumbled thank you!

We put on the BEST shows in the biz!
Often imitated, never duplicated! We not only go out of our way to put on the best shows, we go to great lengths to stage them in the most unique and fun places! Welcome to the most complete drug free organization ever developed, the Natural Physique Federation. We've only been around since late 2016, but we were designed from the ground up with a full dedication to facilitating a complete career for you, the naturalcompetitor/athlete. We strive to provide you a platform that builds your brand, gains you followers and supporters, and puts you in the path for sponsorship and career opportunities - all while not having to turn to harmful, irreversible side-effect causing drugs.


Host Tanner: Tan Medics have been tanning for the last 9 years at events throughout the Midwest. They feature a full service tanning experience with multiple coats of Custom Pro Competition Color applied between Friday night and Saturday morning, backstage gluing and glazing. Her team of professionals will be at both prejudging and finals so you rest assured your tan will look professional and fresh both morning and night the day of the event. See photos below for examples of this incredible stage color **You can begin securing your tanning appointment directly from your Online Registration Form** Once you have made your deposit you will then need to sign up for a time slot (based on availability) by using the TANNING SCHEDULE link.

# 61 (2nd from left) in the photo below..

Far right in photo below..