In the POWER BODY division, we are looking for those athletes who possess and can display both strength and an athletic physique. This new for 2020 division will feature judging and scoring in both prejudging AND finals. The two scores will be added together to determine final placings.
SCORING: Prejudging Athletes competing in POWER BODY will perform 3 strength lifts for reps at prejudging. The 3 mandatory lifts are:
1. Chin Ups - bodyweight only **
2. Dips - bodyweight only
3. Bench Press - Men w/135 lbs, Ladies w/ 80 lbs (weights may be adjusted at the discretion of the head judge based on participating class(es).
Total reps achieved in each of the 3 movements will be totaled and combined to determine scoring for this lifting portion. **NOTE: FOR PURPOSES OF TOTAL POINTS AMASSED, AS WELL AS FOR THE SAKE OF COMPETITIVE FAIRNESS, IN WOMEN'S DIVISION ONLY, TOTAL NUMBER OF CHINUPS ACHIEVED WILL BE DOUBLED.
Finals for Men will consist of each competitor being introduced and entering the stage individually, wearing swim or board style shorts. Should be cut anywhere from mid thigh to just above the knee. Board shorts as worn by NPF Men's Physique would be considered as acceptable (see examples below). No bodybuilding or classic physique trunks allowed. Once on stage the athlete will be performing 3 poses (front, side, back), then moving to a diagonal on either side of the stage as directed and remaining there until all athletes in that class are on stage. At this point the head judge will begin call outs for comparisons, where quarter turns will be called out. The quarter turns should be performed in the style of NPF Men's Physique.
Finals for Women will consist of each competitor being introduced and entering the stage individually, a one piece style basic swimsuit (see examples below). No two-piecebikinis allowed. Once on stage the athlete will be performing 3 poses (front, side, back), then moving to a diagonal on either side of the stage as directed and remaining there until all athletes in that class are on stage. At this point the head judge will begin call outs for comparisons, where quarter turns will be called out. The quarter turns should be performed in the style of NPF Figure or Bikini.
JUDGING CRITERIA and therefore placings for POWER BODY are based on being in athletic shape, but not so lean as to show noticeable muscle separation or striations, symmetry, muscle fullness, but not the degree of muscularity as is accustomed to being seen with classic physique,women's physique or bodybuilding, and posing and presentation ability. Contestants should strive to achieve a tight conditioned physique as opposed to low bodyfat levels, not sacrificing muscle shape and symmetry. A balanced, athletic frame, that displays a healthy look, not dry like classic physique, women's physique or bodybuilding are trademarks of top finishers.
Both Prejudging and Finals are judged and scored together to determine final placings and awards.